Membership Benefits

Prestigous Membership
Benefits to match your pedigree

Other then the benfit of a credential that confirms that you have been verified as the expert in your field and having Prestigious Association with Africa’s first and only professional body in the modalities of coaching, consulting and coaching psychology, we are constantly looking for other benefits for you as a professional.

Some of this include

A Global Professional network, across the world and access the continent

Active learning network with our monthly cutting edge research series presentations

Discounts at our conferences (early bird specials + member discounts)

Access to Quartely Journal on Coaching and Consulting in Africa

Hotel Discount

Book Discounts currently being negotiated with the top leading retailers

Discount Car Rental

Discounted access to a Global research Database

Conference discounts with our International Partners

We are currently negotiating Professional Liability insurance discounts

Opportunity to Participate in Global and local Research

We are constantly looking for more benefits to make it worthwhile for you. You have worked and studied hard, you deserve the benefits now.

Africa's Premier Quality Assurance Professional body in the areas of coaching, coaching psychology and consulting.